Architecture, interiors, Ireland, Leica, Photography, Uncategorized

Powerscourt Townhouse, Dublin

Recently, I have been looking back through some photos from 2013. I splashed out on a Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5 Super-Wide Heliar lens for the Leica M9. I should have also bought an external viewfinder but they didn’t have one in-store at the time.

Anyway, the lens was very small, well built, and produced pin-sharp images with near zero distortion.

I ended up selling it on after a while as I found I just didn’t use it enough to justify keeping. Other reasons included:

colour casts/shifts in the corners of images, and no external viewfinder (my bad).

Voigtlander are now producing a newer version (III) of this great lens that has improved colour performance in the corners. I know what is on my wish list for Santa this year….

Here is an interior shot I took that required no perspective correction.


art, Design, interiors, Leica, Photography

Still Life with 50mm Summilux

My M9 was away in Germany getting repaired for what seemed like forever. Now that it is finally back its time to play around with the Lovely M Summilux 50mm f/1.4 ASPH.

I have a renewed love for (digital) photography thanks to VSCO filters. (sample pack).

