Architecture, Ireland, Landscapes, Photography, photojournalism

Tintern Abbey & Colclough Gardens, 2012.

Tintern Abbey is located on the Hook Peninsula, Co. Wexford. It’s a beautiful place to visit any time of the year, but late spring / early summer is particularly enjoyable because the air is filled with the aroma of wild garlic growing along the riverbank – and of course the trees and flowers are in full bloom!

The grounds are located away from main roads, and with no traffic noise it’s a great place to ramble away a few hours on or off the beaten tracks.


The Abbey and surroundings.


Fairy forest


Nearby agriculture.


Estuary beginnings

A recent addition to the location is the opening of Colclough Walled Gardens, which has been under restoration for a number of years.


Potato drills in the foreground.


A river – small one – runs through it.


The impressive brick wall receiving temporary support after subsiding where the stream flows under.


Archeological findings during excavation and garden clearing.

In the coming days/weeks I will post more images taken in and around the Abbey itself, and along the banks of the forest river….

Here’s a little teaser:


Photography, photojournalism, Uncategorized

New year’s Eve firework malfunction

Firework malfunction, New Year's Eve, Finland, 2012.

Firework malfunction, New Year’s Eve, Finland, 2012.

We bought a load of fireworks for the new year’s eve celebrations and brought them with us to a local party. The host, Henri (pictured in the red jacket) was lighting the fireworks, he had just turned his back to light another when BOOM, one exploded before takeoff, it was a big one too. Luckily he is an advocate of strict finnish safety laws and was wearing a bike helmet. No harm done.

Kiitos Henri for a great evening.


Photo of The Day #1

Sometimes I don’t have anything to say about photos and photography. I just wonder about all of the photos out there and what people do with them. The photo below, for example, has been sitting somewhere in my hard-drive for the past two years. I was always aware that it was there but just didn’t know what to do with it. I still don’t know. Maybe over time, it will become part of a bigger collection of my photos from Finland, or a totally different project. It can take on meaning by becoming an integral part of something bigger. But for now, I’ll just show it to you as a single image, and leave it open to interpretation.
