Ireland, Landscapes, Photography, photojournalism, Uncategorized

Berry Picking at Ballyteigue Burrow

There is nothing as relaxing or rewarding as a good berry picking session. I love blueberries, and I love blackberries, but we are lucky enough to have Dewberries growing wild in our locality. Dewberries taste like a mix of blue, and blackberries. Even the dog loves them.

SB_Iphone5s_20140901_0005_webLate-summer evening light.


Getting stuck in. If only the kids saved half as much as they ate!

SB_Iphone5s_20140901_0012_webBusy bees….

SB_Iphone5s_20140901_0013_webThe reward. Time to make some Apple & Dewberry pie.


art, food photography, Ireland, Photography


I’m really looking forward to getting some fresh Wexford strawberries: They are the best I have ever tasted. My wife used to argue that Finnish strawberries were the best, but she has finally come round to admitting the truth!



food photography, Photography

Chocolate Fudge Cake with Fresh Berries

Chocolate Fudge Cake with Fresh Berries, by Hanna's Artisan Baking

Chocolate Fudge Cake with Fresh Berries, by Hanna’s Artisan Baking

I’m going to do a shameless plug for my lovely wife here:

If you have have a birthday, wedding, or any kind of event or celebration coming up, and need a beautiful AND tasty cake to wow your guests, Hanna would love to hear from you.

food photography, Photography

Food Glorious Food

Food photography is not an area I ever considered exploring, however, when my lovely wife set up an artisan baking business it made sense for me to develop some food photography skills to help her promote the business.

I am still pretty much a food photography beginner, Ideally I would like to get a macro lens to get even better results, but for now I can tell you most of these photos were taken with a Canon 5D and a 50mm f/1.4 lens. I usually try and take the photos in natural light – close to a window when possible – with whoever is close at hand getting the job of holding some kind of reflector to fill in the shadows. It also helps to take the photos as soon as the food is  ready.

Most of the credit, however, must go to Hanna’s wonderful creations, that look amazing and taste wonderful.
